
Traducciones detalladas de works de inglés a sueco


works [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the works (collected works; oeuvre)
  2. the works (books)
    verk; böcker
  3. the works (pieces of writing; documents; texts)
    dokument; texter; skriftstycken

Translation Matrix for works:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
böcker books; works
dokument documents; pieces of writing; texts; works document; documented; documents; manuscript; message; script; scripture; text; wording; writing
sammlade arbeten collected works; oeuvre; works
skriftstycken documents; pieces of writing; texts; works
texter documents; pieces of writing; texts; works
verk books; works
- construction; construction work; deeds; industrial plant; plant; road construction; work; workings

Palabras relacionadas con "works":

Sinónimos de "works":

  • plant; industrial plant; building complex; complex
  • whole shebang; whole kit and caboodle; kit and caboodle; whole kit and boodle; kit and boodle; whole kit; whole caboodle; whole works; full treatment; entirety; entireness; integrality; totality
  • deeds; activity
  • workings; mechanism

Definiciones relacionadas de "works":

  1. performance of moral or religious acts1
    • the reward for good works1
  2. buildings for carrying on industrial labor1
  3. the internal mechanism of a device1

Wiktionary: works

Cross Translation:
works verk Werk — Getriebe, Mechanismus oder System einer Maschine
works fabrik fabrique — industrie|fr bâtiment où l’on fabriquer des objets destiner aux différents usages de la vie ; usine.
works fabrik usineétablissement pourvoir de machines, où l’on travailler des matières premier pour en tirer certains produits.

works forma de work:

work [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the work (job)
    arbete; jobb
  2. the work (occupation; profession; employment; job)
  3. the work (chore; labour; task; )
    jobb; uppgift; syssla; arbete
  4. the work (activity; occupation; pursuit)
  5. the work (agitating; perform; operate)

to work verbo (works, worked, working)

  1. to work (labor; do; labour)
    • arbeta verbo (arbetar, arbetade, arbetat)
  2. to work (operate; proceed)
    fungera; arbeta; fortsätta
    • fungera verbo (fungerar, fungerade, fungerat)
    • arbeta verbo (arbetar, arbetade, arbetat)
    • fortsätta verbo (fortsätter, fortsatte, fortsatt)
  3. to work (char; operate in; be active; function)
    städa; arbeta som städhjälp
    • städa verbo (städar, städade, städat)
    • arbeta som städhjälp verbo (arbetar som städhjälp, arbetade som städhjälp, arbetat som städhjälp)

Conjugaciones de work:

  1. work
  2. work
  3. works
  4. work
  5. work
  6. work
simple past
  1. worked
  2. worked
  3. worked
  4. worked
  5. worked
  6. worked
present perfect
  1. have worked
  2. have worked
  3. has worked
  4. have worked
  5. have worked
  6. have worked
past continuous
  1. was working
  2. were working
  3. was working
  4. were working
  5. were working
  6. were working
  1. shall work
  2. will work
  3. will work
  4. shall work
  5. will work
  6. will work
continuous present
  1. am working
  2. are working
  3. is working
  4. are working
  5. are working
  6. are working
  1. be worked
  2. be worked
  3. be worked
  4. be worked
  5. be worked
  6. be worked
  1. work!
  2. let's work!
  3. worked
  4. working
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Translation Matrix for work:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
arbete chore; duties; employment; job; labor; labour; occupation; profession; task; work; working; workpiece activity; bustle; diligence; employment; function; industry; installment; instalment; job; position; post; profession; zeal
ativitet activity; occupation; pursuit; work
jobb chore; duties; job; labor; labour; task; work; working; workpiece appointment; case; chore; commission; contract; function; installment; instalment; job; nomination; position; post; profession; task
syssla chore; duties; labor; labour; task; work; working; workpiece chore; job; task
tjänstgöring duty
uppgift chore; duties; labor; labour; task; work; working; workpiece assignment; chore; command; cue; instruction; job; motto; order; parole; problem; problematical case; problems; question; shibboleth; statement; summary; task; to-do; to-do item
uppviglad agitating; operate; perform; work
- body of work; construction; construction work; employment; oeuvre; piece of work; road construction; study; workplace; works
VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
arbeta do; labor; labour; operate; proceed; work
arbeta som städhjälp be active; char; function; operate in; work
fortsätta operate; proceed; work Unhold; bolt; carry on; continue; get on; go on; go through with it; hold on; keep on; keep up; lengthen; let last; move on; persist; proceed; prolong; pursue the subject; push on; take it further; thaw; work on
fungera operate; proceed; work function
städa be active; char; function; operate in; work
- act; act upon; bring; crop; cultivate; do work; exercise; exploit; ferment; figure out; forge; form; function; go; influence; knead; lick; make; make for; mold; mould; operate; play; process; put to work; puzzle out; run; shape; solve; sour; turn; work on; work out; wreak
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
bearbeta work
bestyr business; work
göromål business; work
jobba be on the job; work
knog toil; work
lirka work
sjåa drudge; work
tjänstgöring attendance; duty; service; work
värv work

Palabras relacionadas con "work":

Sinónimos de "work":

Antónimos de "work":

Definiciones relacionadas de "work":

  1. activity directed toward making or doing something1
    • she checked several points needing further work1
  2. the occupation for which you are paid1
    • a lot of people are out of work1
  3. the total output of a writer or artist (or a substantial part of it)1
    • Picasso's work can be divided into periods1
  4. a product produced or accomplished through the effort or activity or agency of a person or thing1
    • it is not regarded as one of his more memorable works1
    • the symphony was hailed as an ingenious work1
    • he was indebted to the pioneering work of John Dewey1
    • the work of an active imagination1
    • erosion is the work of wind or water over time1
  5. a place where work is done1
    • he arrived at work early today1
  6. applying the mind to learning and understanding a subject (especially by reading)1
    • mastering a second language requires a lot of work1
  7. (physics) a manifestation of energy; the transfer of energy from one physical system to another expressed as the product of a force and the distance through which it moves a body in the direction of that force1
    • work equals force times distance1
  8. give a workout to1
    • My personal trainer works me hard1
    • work one's muscles1
  9. arrive at a certain condition through repeated motion1
    • The stitches of the hem worked loose after she wore the skirt many times1
  10. go sour or spoil1
    • The wine worked1
  11. cause to undergo fermentation1
    • The vintner worked the wine in big oak vats1
  12. find the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning of1
    • this unpleasant situation isn't going to work itself out1
    • He could not work the math problem1
  13. use or manipulate to one's advantage1
    • She knows how to work the system1
    • he works his parents for sympathy1
  14. make uniform1
    • work the clay until it is soft1
  15. perform as expected when applied1
    • This old radio doesn't work anymore1
  16. move into or onto1
    • work the raisins into the dough1
    • the student worked a few jokes into his presentation1
    • work the body onto the flatbed truck1
  17. cause to happen or to occur as a consequence1
    • I cannot work a miracle1
  18. make something, usually for a specific function1
  19. shape, form, or improve a material1
    • work stone into tools1
    • work the metal1
  20. prepare for crops1
  21. gratify and charm, usually in order to influence1
    • the political candidate worked the crowds1
  22. move in an agitated manner1
    • His fingers worked with tension1
  23. proceed along a path1
    • work one's way through the crowd1
  24. provoke or excite1
    • The rock musician worked the crowd of young girls into a frenzy1
  25. proceed towards a goal or along a path or through an activity1
    • work your way through every problem or task1
    • She was working on her second martini when the guests arrived1
    • Start from the bottom and work towards the top1
  26. cause to work1
    • he is working his servants hard1
  27. be employed1
    • Is your husband working again?1
    • My wife never worked1
    • Do you want to work after the age of 60?1
    • She never did any work because she inherited a lot of money1
    • She works as a waitress to put herself through college1
  28. exert oneself by doing mental or physical work for a purpose or out of necessity1
    • I will work hard to improve my grades1
    • she worked hard for better living conditions for the poor1
  29. cause to operate or function1
    • This pilot works the controls1
    • Can you work an electric drill?1
  30. operate in or through1
  31. have an effect or outcome; often the one desired or expected1
    • The voting process doesn't work as well as people thought1
    • How does your idea work in practice?1
    • This method doesn't work1
    • The medicine works only if you take it with a lot of water1
  32. have and exert influence or effect1
    • The artist's work influenced the young painter1
    • She worked on her friends to support the political candidate1
  33. operate in a certain place, area, or specialty1
    • She works the night clubs1
    • The salesman works the Midwest1
    • This artist works mostly in acrylics1
  34. behave in a certain way when handled1
    • This dough does not work easily1
    • The soft metal works well1

Wiktionary: work

  1. labour, employment, occupation, job
  2. place where one is employed
  3. effort expended on a particular task
  4. literary, artistic, or intellectual production
  5. measure of energy expended in moving an object
  1. to do a specific task
  2. effect by gradual degrees (qualifier)
  3. shape, form, or improve a material
  4. cause to work
  5. function correctly
  6. influence
  7. behave in a certain way when handled.

Cross Translation:
work bearbetning Bearbeitung — allg.|: Vorgang, durch den ein Gegenstand, z.B. ein Dokument, in Form und/oder Inhalt verändert wird
work tjänst; tjänstgöring Dienst — das Arbeitsverhältnis, die regelmäßige bezahlte Arbeit, die Amtspflichten
work verk Werk — (groß) Schöpfung eines Künstlers oder Kreativen
work verk Werk — Betriebsstätte, an der Produkte industriell hergestellt oder bearbeitet werden
work arbeta; ; fungera arbeiten — in Betrieb sein, zum Beispiel einer Maschine oder Anlage
work jobba; arbeta arbeitenerwerbstätig sein, tätig sein, schöpferisch tätig sein
work gehen — funktionieren / funktionsfähig sein
work ordna sig; fungera; funka; klaffa; greja sig klappenfunktionieren, gelingen
work arbete Arbeitausführen, zweckgerichtete Tätigkeit
work arbete Arbeit — selbstgewählte, bewusste, schöpferische Handlung
work ämbete emploiusage qu’on fait de quelque chose.
work utnyttja; exploatera exploiterfaire valoir une chose, en tirer le profit du produit.
work fungera fonctionneraccomplir sa fonction, en parlant d’un mécanisme, d’un organe, etc.
work smida forger — Façonner un métal par le feu
work ; vandra; trampa; följa; gå ihop; lura sig; avancera; tåga; marschera; vara i gång; utveckla sig marcher — Se déplacer par un mouvement alternatif des jambes ou des pattes, en ayant toujours un appui au sol.
work operera; göra opéreraccomplir une œuvre, produire un effet.
work arbete; verk ouvrage — Travail : Action de travailler, ce qui est produit par l’ouvrier ou résultat d’un travail (Sens général)
work knåda pétrirdétremper de la farine avec de l’eau, la malaxer et en faire de la pâte.
work arbete travail — Labeur, tâche
work arbeta; verka travailler — Fournir un travail

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