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Traducciones detalladas de troubles de francés a inglés


troubles [la ~] sustantivo

  1. la troubles (émeutes; rébellions; révoltes; )
    the riots; the uproars; the revolts

troubles [le ~] sustantivo

  1. le troubles (blessures; perturbations)
    the injuries; the wounds
  2. le troubles (labyrinthe; bordel; dédale; )
    the maze; the labyrinth
    – complex system of paths or tunnels in which it is easy to get lost 1
  3. le troubles (désordres)
    the riots
    • riots [the ~] sustantivo
  4. le troubles (perturbations; détraquements)
    the disturbances

Translation Matrix for troubles:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
disturbances détraquements; perturbations; troubles irrégularités
injuries blessures; perturbations; troubles blessures; dommages; pertes
labyrinth bordel; brouillamini; chaos; conflit; confusion; discorde; dispute; dédale; dégâts; démêlé; désordre; heurt; labyrinthe; litige; lutte; pagaille; ravage; troubles
maze bordel; brouillamini; chaos; conflit; confusion; discorde; dispute; dédale; dégâts; démêlé; désordre; heurt; labyrinthe; litige; lutte; pagaille; ravage; troubles bordel; chaos; chienlit; confusion; désordre; embrouillage; pagaille; pagaïe
revolts agitations; commotions; rébellions; résurrections; révoltes; soulèvements populaires; troubles; émeutes insurrections du peuple; révoltes
riots agitations; commotions; désordres; rébellions; résurrections; révoltes; soulèvements populaires; troubles; émeutes insurrections du peuple; révoltes; émeutes
uproars agitations; commotions; rébellions; résurrections; révoltes; soulèvements populaires; troubles; émeutes
wounds blessures; perturbations; troubles

Sinónimos de "troubles":

troubles forma de troubler:

troubler verbo (trouble, troubles, troublons, troublez, )

  1. troubler (déranger; perturber; interrompre; )
    to disturb; to enrage; incense; to anger; to upset
    • disturb verbo (disturbs, disturbed, disturbing)
    • enrage verbo (enrages, enraged, enraging)
    • incense verbo
    • anger verbo (angers, angered, angering)
    • upset verbo (upsets, upset, upsetting)
  2. troubler
    to obscure; to cloud
    • obscure verbo (obscures, obscured, obscuring)
    • cloud verbo (clouds, clouded, clouding)
  3. troubler
    – throw into disorder 1
    • disrupt verbo
      • This event disrupted the orderly process1
  4. troubler (embarrasser; intimider; décontenancer)
    to embarrass
    • embarrass verbo (embarrasss, embarrassed, embarrassing)

Conjugaciones de troubler:

  1. trouble
  2. troubles
  3. trouble
  4. troublons
  5. troublez
  6. troublent
  1. troublais
  2. troublais
  3. troublait
  4. troublions
  5. troubliez
  6. troublaient
passé simple
  1. troublai
  2. troublas
  3. troubla
  4. troublâmes
  5. troublâtes
  6. troublèrent
futur simple
  1. troublerai
  2. troubleras
  3. troublera
  4. troublerons
  5. troublerez
  6. troubleront
subjonctif présent
  1. que je trouble
  2. que tu troubles
  3. qu'il trouble
  4. que nous troublions
  5. que vous troubliez
  6. qu'ils troublent
conditionnel présent
  1. troublerais
  2. troublerais
  3. troublerait
  4. troublerions
  5. troubleriez
  6. troubleraient
passé composé
  1. ai troublé
  2. as troublé
  3. a troublé
  4. avons troublé
  5. avez troublé
  6. ont troublé
  1. trouble!
  2. troublez!
  3. troublons!
  4. troublé
  5. troublant
1. je, 2. tu, 3. il/elle/on, 4. nous, 5. vous, 6. ils/elles

Translation Matrix for troubler:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
anger colère; courroux; délire; folie; frénésie; fureur; furie; rage; virulence
cloud cloud; nuage
incense encens
upset effroi; frayeur; peur; terreur
VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
anger brouiller; déranger; fâcher; gêner; interrompre; irriter; mettre en colère; perturber; troubler agacer; irriter; piquer; s'irriter; énerver
cloud troubler
disrupt troubler
disturb brouiller; déranger; fâcher; gêner; interrompre; irriter; mettre en colère; perturber; troubler déranger
embarrass décontenancer; embarrasser; intimider; troubler
enrage brouiller; déranger; fâcher; gêner; interrompre; irriter; mettre en colère; perturber; troubler
incense brouiller; déranger; fâcher; gêner; interrompre; irriter; mettre en colère; perturber; troubler
obscure troubler assombrir; enténébrer; obscurcir
upset brouiller; déranger; fâcher; gêner; interrompre; irriter; mettre en colère; perturber; troubler arrêter; barrer; bousculer; brouiller; contrarier; contrecarrer; dégrader; empêcher; faire tomber; frustrer; gêner; mécontenter; renverser; retenir; ruiner; stopper; traverser les projets de
AdjectiveTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
obscure compliqué; confus; douteusement; douteux; défectueux; en dérangement; en panne; hors d'usage; hors de service; ignoble; indistinct; louche; lugubre; mauvais; méchant; obscur; obscurément; opaque; sinistre; vague; vil; visqueux
upset acariâtre; ahuri; alarmé; avec dépit; avec hargne; avec rage; bouche bée; bouleversé; consterné; courroucé; d'un air mécontent; d'une humeur massacrante; déchaîné; déchaînée; déconcerté; décontenancé; désespéré; effaré; en colère; enragé; enragée; estomaqué; exaspéré; exaspérée; frappé; furibond; furieuse; furieusement; furieux; grincheuse; grincheusement; grincheux; hargneuse; hargneusement; hargneux; indigné; interdit; outré; pantois; perplexe; rageur; stupéfait; touché; troublé; ébahi; éberlué; épaté; époustouflé

Sinónimos de "troubler":

Wiktionary: troubler

troubler troubler
  1. To interfere with.
  2. to confuse or mystify; overwhelm
  3. render turbid
  4. to bother; to annoy
  5. to mentally disturb

Cross Translation:
troubler trouble; disturb; harass; bother lastigvallen — op hinderlijke wijze iemands aandacht opeisen

Traducciones relacionadas de troubles


Traducciones detalladas de troubles de inglés a francés


troubles [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the troubles (problems; miseries)
    l'ennuis; le désagréments
  2. the troubles (problems; discomforts; misery)
    le problèmes; le soucis; la difficultés; l'embêtements; l'embarras; l'ennuis; le malheurs; le désagréments; la misère; le manques; l'emmerdements
  3. the troubles (problems)
    l'agitation; le remous
  4. the troubles (defects; deficiencies; faults; problems; hitches)
    le défauts; la pannes; le manques

Translation Matrix for troubles:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
agitation problems; troubles agitation; barms; commotion; disturbance; fermentation; fisticuffs; highly strung; hurrying; jittery; liveliness; nervousness; pandemonium; rebellion; resistance; revolt; riot; sensation; shake up; trouble; turbulence; turmoil; unrest; upheaval; yeasts
difficultés discomforts; misery; problems; troubles adversity; bad luck; defects; flaws; misfortune; reverse; shortcomings; trouble
défauts defects; deficiencies; faults; hitches; problems; troubles defects; flaws; shortcomings
désagréments discomfort; discomforts; miseries; misery; problems; troubles defects; dissatisfactions; flaws; shortcomings
embarras discomforts; misery; problems; troubles awkwardness; blockage; bother; bustle; difficulty; discomfiture; embarrassment; fuss; hassle; hindrance; hustle; hustle and bustle; inconvenience; mess; nuisance; obstacle; obstruction; reserve; restraint; reticence; sense of shame; shame; shyness; timidity; timorousness; trouble
embêtements discomforts; misery; problems; troubles harping on; moaning; nagging; trouble; whining
emmerdements discomforts; misery; problems; troubles chicanery; fuss; hassle; trouble making
ennuis discomfort; discomforts; miseries; misery; problems; troubles adversity; bad luck; bother; chicanery; fuss; hassle; mess; misfortune; moaning; nagging; reverse; situation; state; trouble; trouble making; whining; worry
malheurs discomforts; misery; problems; troubles
manques defects; deficiencies; discomforts; faults; hitches; misery; problems; troubles defects; flaws; handicaps; shortcomings
misère discomforts; misery; problems; troubles adversity; bad condition; bad luck; blows; calamity; catastrophe; dearth; deficiency; destitution; disaster; disasters; famine; grief; hardship; helplessness; hollowness; lack; lankiness; leanness; meagerness; meagreness; miserable condition; misery; misfortune; misfortunes; necessity; need; needyness; parsimony; paucity; penury; poor situation; poorness; poverty; punches; reverse; sadness; scantiness; scarcity; shortage; skinniness; slenderness; sorrow; sparsity; squalor; thinness; tightness; trouble; want
pannes defects; deficiencies; faults; hitches; problems; troubles
problèmes discomforts; misery; problems; troubles
remous problems; troubles commotion; disturbance; fisticuffs; oscillation; pandemonium; rebellion; revolt; riot; suctions; turbulence
soucis discomforts; misery; problems; troubles alarm; anxiety; brooding; concern; daily pursuit; daily worry; deep-thinking; reverie; uneasiness; worry

Palabras relacionadas con "troubles":

troubles forma de trouble:

trouble [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the trouble (nuisance; hindrance; bother; obstacle)
    la nuisance; l'embarras; la gêne
  2. the trouble (calamity; accident; disaster; )
    la catastrophe; le malheur; la calamité; le désastre; la mésaventure
  3. the trouble (adversity; misfortune; bad luck; reverse)
    la malchance; l'échec; le contretemps; la difficultés; l'infortune; le malheur; le revers; la calamité; le contre-temps; l'adversité; la déveine; la détresse; l'ennuis; la misère; la catastrophe; la mésaventure; le désastre; la mauvaise fortune; le besoin; le danger; le déboires
  4. the trouble (hindrance; impediment; obstruction; )
    l'empêchement; l'entrave; l'obstacle; la complication; l'obstruction
  5. the trouble (ailment; disease; disorder; complaint)
    la maladie chronique; l'affection; le désagrément; l'inconvénient
  6. the trouble (commotion; turbulence; agitation; turmoil; unrest)
  7. the trouble (disaster; danger)
    le danger; le risque; la catastrophe; la menace; le péril; le désastre
  8. the trouble (misery; sorrow; squalor; misfortune)
    la misère; le malheur; la tristesse
  9. the trouble (hitch; problem)
    la difficulté
  10. the trouble (nagging; whining; moaning)
    l'ennuis; l'embêtements; l'emmerdement; l'histoires; la jérémiades
  11. the trouble (chaos; disorder; confusion; )
    l'embrouillage; le chaos; le désordre; la pagaille; la chienlit; le bordel; la confusion; la pagaïe
  12. the trouble (danger)
    le danger; le péril
  13. the trouble (beastliness; distress)
  14. the trouble (bungling; rummaging)
    le bâclage; le bousillage
  15. the trouble (inconvenience; nuisance)
    la difficulté; le caractère difficile
  16. the trouble (disturbance; interference; disorder)
    le désordre; le chahut; l'interruption; l'interférence; l'atteinte à l'ordre public

to trouble verbo (troubles, troubled, troubling)

  1. to trouble (harass; bother; visit)
    harceler; ennuyer; déranger; importuner; agacer; gêner
    • harceler verbo (harcelle, harcelles, harcelons, harcelez, )
    • ennuyer verbo (ennuie, ennuies, ennuyons, ennuyez, )
    • déranger verbo (dérange, déranges, dérangeons, dérangez, )
    • importuner verbo (importune, importunes, importunons, importunez, )
    • agacer verbo (agace, agaces, agaçons, agacez, )
    • gêner verbo (gêne, gênes, gênons, gênez, )
  2. to trouble (make difficult; bother; make things difficult)
    compliquer; rendre difficile
    • compliquer verbo (complique, compliques, compliquons, compliquez, )

Conjugaciones de trouble:

  1. trouble
  2. trouble
  3. troubles
  4. trouble
  5. trouble
  6. trouble
simple past
  1. troubled
  2. troubled
  3. troubled
  4. troubled
  5. troubled
  6. troubled
present perfect
  1. have troubled
  2. have troubled
  3. has troubled
  4. have troubled
  5. have troubled
  6. have troubled
past continuous
  1. was troubling
  2. were troubling
  3. was troubling
  4. were troubling
  5. were troubling
  6. were troubling
  1. shall trouble
  2. will trouble
  3. will trouble
  4. shall trouble
  5. will trouble
  6. will trouble
continuous present
  1. am troubling
  2. are troubling
  3. is troubling
  4. are troubling
  5. are troubling
  6. are troubling
  1. be troubled
  2. be troubled
  3. be troubled
  4. be troubled
  5. be troubled
  6. be troubled
  1. trouble!
  2. let's trouble!
  3. troubled
  4. troubling
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Translation Matrix for trouble:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
adversité adversity; bad luck; misfortune; reverse; trouble adverse wind; adversity; contrary wind; destitution; disaster; necessity; need
affection ailment; complaint; disease; disorder; trouble affection; ardor; ardour; deceit; falseness; falsity; fervor; fervour; fondness; illegitimacy; inclination; intimacy; love; spuriousness; tenderness; warm heartedness
agitation agitation; commotion; trouble; turbulence; turmoil; unrest agitation; barms; commotion; disturbance; fermentation; fisticuffs; highly strung; hurrying; jittery; liveliness; nervousness; pandemonium; problems; rebellion; resistance; revolt; riot; sensation; shake up; troubles; turbulence; unrest; upheaval; yeasts
atteinte à l'ordre public disorder; disturbance; interference; trouble
besoin adversity; bad luck; misfortune; reverse; trouble crisis; dearth; deficiency; destitution; emergency situation; famine; hardship; indigentness; lack; need; neediness; needyness; of limited means; paucity; penury; poorness; poverty; scantiness; scarcity; shortage; state of emergency; tightness; want
bordel chaos; confusion; disorder; maze; mess; mix-up; muddle; tangle; trouble; welter brothel; bungle; bungling; caboodle; chaos; confused heap; debris; folly; fun; hash; heap; high jinks; hilarity; joking; joy; joyfulness; jumble; labyrinth; lunacy; madness; mayhem; maze; merriment; mess; mirth; muddle; nonsense; pleasure; pleasure house; rubbish; silliness; trash; whorehouse
bousillage bungling; rummaging; trouble botch job; bungle; bungling; bungling work; cheating; confused heap; fiddling; fraud; heap; jumble; mess; messing; messing about; muddle; muddling; shoddy work; swindling; tinkering
bâclage bungling; rummaging; trouble botch job; bungle; bungling; bungling work; shoddy work
calamité accident; adversity; bad luck; calamity; destitution; disaster; evil; misery; misfortune; misère; reverse; squalor; tribulation; trouble calamity; catastrophe; disaster; fatality
caractère difficile inconvenience; nuisance; trouble
catastrophe accident; adversity; bad luck; calamity; danger; destitution; disaster; evil; misery; misfortune; misère; reverse; squalor; tribulation; trouble calamity; catastrophe; disaster; fatality
chahut disorder; disturbance; interference; trouble bedlam; chaos; clamor; clamour; commotion; debris; din; hubbub; hullabaloo; hum; mess; movement; noise; pandemonium; racket; roar; rumor; rumour; tumult; tumultuousness; uproar
chaos chaos; confusion; disorder; maze; mess; mix-up; muddle; tangle; trouble; welter absence of order; bungle; bungling; chaos; confused heap; confusion; disarray; disorder; heap; jumble; labyrinth; maze; mess; muddle
chienlit chaos; confusion; disorder; maze; mess; mix-up; muddle; tangle; trouble; welter change of clothes; disguise
complication block; hindrance; impediment; obstacle; obstruction; stonewalling; thwarting; trouble complication; problem
confusion chaos; confusion; disorder; maze; mess; mix-up; muddle; tangle; trouble; welter bewilderment; commotion; confusion; desperation; disorder; disturbance; fisticuffs; labyrinth; maze; pandemonium; perplexity; puzzlement; rebellion; revolt; riot; sense of shame; shame; upheaval
contre-temps adversity; bad luck; misfortune; reverse; trouble
contretemps adversity; bad luck; misfortune; reverse; trouble adverse wind; blows; contrary wind; disasters; misfortunes; punches
danger adversity; bad luck; danger; disaster; misfortune; reverse; trouble threat
difficulté hitch; inconvenience; nuisance; problem; trouble chicanery; difficulty; fuss; hassle; problematical case; task; trouble making
difficultés adversity; bad luck; misfortune; reverse; trouble defects; discomforts; flaws; misery; problems; shortcomings; troubles
déboires adversity; bad luck; misfortune; reverse; trouble
désagrément ailment; complaint; disease; disorder; trouble difficulty; hindrance; impediment; inconvenience; load; nuisance; weight
désastre accident; adversity; bad luck; calamity; danger; destitution; disaster; evil; misery; misfortune; misère; reverse; squalor; tribulation; trouble calamity; catastrophe; disaster; fatality
désordre chaos; confusion; disorder; disturbance; interference; maze; mess; mix-up; muddle; tangle; trouble; welter absence of order; anarchy; argument; bungle; bungling; caboodle; chaos; cheating; confused heap; confusion; corruption; corruptions; debris; defalcation; disagreement; disarray; discord; disorder; disorderliness; disturbance; embezzlement; fencing; fraud; hash; heap; interference; irregularity; jumble; labyrinth; malversation; malversations; mayhem; maze; mess; muddle; swindle; swindling; unease about
détresse adversity; bad luck; misfortune; reverse; trouble adversity; dejection; depression; destitution; disaster; grief; helplessness; melancholy; mournfulness; necessity; need; regret; sadness; sorrow; wistfulness
déveine adversity; bad luck; misfortune; reverse; trouble
embarras bother; hindrance; nuisance; obstacle; trouble awkwardness; blockage; bother; bustle; difficulty; discomfiture; discomforts; embarrassment; fuss; hassle; hustle; hustle and bustle; inconvenience; mess; misery; nuisance; obstacle; obstruction; problems; reserve; restraint; reticence; sense of shame; shame; shyness; timidity; timorousness; troubles
embrouillage chaos; confusion; disorder; maze; mess; mix-up; muddle; tangle; trouble; welter
embêtements moaning; nagging; trouble; whining discomforts; harping on; misery; moaning; nagging; problems; troubles
emmerdement beastliness; distress; moaning; nagging; trouble; whining chicane; chicanery; fuss; harping on; hassle; moaning; nagging; trouble making
empêchement block; hindrance; impediment; obstacle; obstruction; stonewalling; thwarting; trouble barrier; barring; blockage; hindrance; impediment; obstacle; obstruction; preventing; putting off; sticking fast; stopping
ennuis adversity; bad luck; misfortune; moaning; nagging; reverse; trouble; whining bother; chicanery; discomfort; discomforts; fuss; hassle; mess; miseries; misery; problems; situation; state; trouble making; troubles; worry
entrave block; hindrance; impediment; obstacle; obstruction; stonewalling; thwarting; trouble bar; barrier; blockage; chain; cuff; fetter; hampering; hindrance; impediment; impeding; interfering with; manacle; obstacle; obstruction; shackle; stumbling block
gêne bother; hindrance; nuisance; obstacle; trouble awkwardness; barrier; blockage; discomfiture; embarrassment; hindrance; impediment; inconvenience; interruption; intrusion; nuisance; obstacle; obstruction; reserve; restraint; reticence; shyness; timidity; timorousness
histoires moaning; nagging; trouble; whining affairs; arguing; bickering; bother; business; fuss; harping on; hassle; matters; mess; moaning; nagging; quarreling; quibbling; scolding; squabbling; wrangling
inconvénient ailment; complaint; disease; disorder; trouble difficulty; disadvantage; downfall; drawback; nuisance; other side; reverse; ruin; seamy side
infortune adversity; bad luck; misfortune; reverse; trouble depravedness; destituteness; famine; harbourless; indigentness; meagerness; meagreness; needyness; of limited means; parsimony; paucity; poorness; scantiness; scarcity; seediness; shabbiness; shortage; slenderness; tightness
interférence disorder; disturbance; interference; trouble interference; interruption; intervention; meddling; severance
interruption disorder; disturbance; interference; trouble IRQ; break; congelation; disorder; disruption; disturbance; fracture; gap; interference; intermission; interrupt; interrupt request; interruption; intervention; intrusion; lunch; lunch break; lunch hour; lunch time; meddling; obstruction; severance; stoppage; trap
jérémiades moaning; nagging; trouble; whining crying; elegiac poem; elegy; harping on; howling; lament; lamentation; lamentations; lamenting; moaning; nagging; sobbing; wailing; whimpering; whining; yelping
maladie chronique ailment; complaint; disease; disorder; trouble chronic illness
malchance adversity; bad luck; misfortune; reverse; trouble
malheur accident; adversity; bad luck; calamity; destitution; disaster; evil; misery; misfortune; misère; reverse; sorrow; squalor; tribulation; trouble alarm; annoyance; anxiety; blows; chagrin; concern; disasters; distress; grief; misfortunes; punches; sadness; sorrow; uneasiness; vexation; worry
mauvaise fortune adversity; bad luck; misfortune; reverse; trouble
menace danger; disaster; trouble menace; threat
misère adversity; bad luck; misery; misfortune; reverse; sorrow; squalor; trouble adversity; bad condition; blows; calamity; catastrophe; dearth; deficiency; destitution; disaster; disasters; discomforts; famine; grief; hardship; helplessness; hollowness; lack; lankiness; leanness; meagerness; meagreness; miserable condition; misery; misfortunes; necessity; need; needyness; parsimony; paucity; penury; poor situation; poorness; poverty; problems; punches; sadness; scantiness; scarcity; shortage; skinniness; slenderness; sorrow; sparsity; thinness; tightness; troubles; want
mésaventure accident; adversity; bad luck; calamity; destitution; disaster; evil; misery; misfortune; misère; reverse; squalor; tribulation; trouble
nuisance bother; hindrance; nuisance; obstacle; trouble nuisance
obstacle block; hindrance; impediment; obstacle; obstruction; stonewalling; thwarting; trouble bar; barrier; barrier obstacles; hindrance; hitch; impediment; obstacle; obstruction; prevention; stumbling block
obstruction block; hindrance; impediment; obstacle; obstruction; stonewalling; thwarting; trouble barrier; barrier obstacles; blockage; congelation; congestion; constipation; hampering; hindrance; impediment; impeding; interfering with; jam; obstacle; obstruction; stagnancy; stagnation; standstill; stoppage; traffic jam
pagaille chaos; confusion; disorder; maze; mess; mix-up; muddle; tangle; trouble; welter absence of order; botch job; bungle; bungling; bungling work; bustle; caboodle; chaos; confused heap; confusion; daubing; debris; disarray; disorder; harping on; hash; heap; hotchpotch; hustle; hustle and bustle; jumble; labyrinth; lumber; mayhem; maze; mess; mess up; messy performance; moaning; muddle; nagging; omnium gatherum; shoddy work; staining
pagaïe chaos; confusion; disorder; maze; mess; mix-up; muddle; tangle; trouble; welter caboodle; mayhem; mess; rubbish; trash
péril danger; disaster; trouble danger; insecurity; perilousness; precariousness; threat
revers adversity; bad luck; misfortune; reverse; trouble back side; back-piece; change-over; covers; drawback; jackets; lapel; other side; reverse; seamy side; wrappers
risque danger; disaster; trouble beezer; bold venture; gamble

Palabras relacionadas con "trouble":

Sinónimos de "trouble":

Definiciones relacionadas de "trouble":

  1. an effort that is inconvenient1
    • I went to a lot of trouble1
    • he won without any trouble1
  2. a source of difficulty1
    • one trouble after another delayed the job1
  3. an event causing distress or pain1
    • what is the trouble?1
    • heart trouble1
  4. an angry disturbance1
    • they had labor trouble1
  5. a strong feeling of anxiety1
    • he wanted to die and end his troubles1
  6. an unwanted pregnancy1
    • he got several girls in trouble1
  7. cause bodily suffering to and make sick or indisposed1
  8. disturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried or alarmed1
  9. move deeply1
    • A troubling thought1
  10. take the trouble to do something; concern oneself1
    • He did not trouble to call his mother on her birthday1
  11. to cause inconvenience or discomfort to1
    • Sorry to trouble you, but...1

Wiktionary: trouble

  1. distressful or dangerous situation
  2. -
  1. to bother; to annoy
  1. Troubles mentaux
  2. populaire|fr terme|souvent au pluriel situation ou affaire délicate qui provoque de l’inquiétude, de l’angoisse ou de la contrariété.
  3. Contrariété, souci
  4. état de celui qui est inquiet, qui n’a pas le repos moral.
  5. Travail, effort
  6. Difficultés, obstacles que l’on trouve à quelque chose
  7. question scientifique à résoudre.
  8. Embarras
  1. Chagriner quelqu’un, le contrecarrer (4)
  2. Causer de l’ennui, fatiguer l’esprit par quelque chose d’insignifiant, de monotone, de déplaisant, ou de trop long.
  3. Causer de la gêne
  4. occuper fortement l’esprit, l’absorber tout entier.
  5. rendre trouble.

Cross Translation:
trouble problème probleem — iets dat schade teweegbrengt of de voortgang van iets anders in de weg staat
trouble effort; peine moeite — een grote inspanning
trouble troubler; déranger lastigvallen — op hinderlijke wijze iemands aandacht opeisen
trouble peine; effort; difficulté; fatigue; incommodité Beschwernisgehoben: die mit einer Angelegenheit verbundene Mühe oder Anstrengung
trouble peine; effort; mal; difficulté Mühe — körperliche oder geistige Anstrengung
trouble problème Problem — eine schwierige, noch ungelöste Aufgabe
trouble difficulté Schwierigkeit — Aufgabe, Eigenschaft, Lage oder Situation, die Ärger machen oder ein Problem darstellen
trouble accrochage; altercation; bagarre; brouille; bisbille; chamaille; chamaillerie; démêlé; empoignade; dispute; engueulade; grabuge; querelle; prise de bec; scène; chicane; chiâle; chiale; formance; difficulté; obstination; astination; raisons; ostination; bringue; trouble ZoffDeutschland, Schweiz; umgangssprachlich: Ärger; Streit, Zank; Unfrieden
trouble s’efforcer; chercher bemühenreflexiv: sich Mühe geben, sich anstrengen

Traducciones relacionadas de troubles