
Traducciones detalladas de ram de sueco a inglés


ram [-en] sustantivo

  1. ram (stomme; skal; chassi; skelett)
    the frame-work; the chassis; the carcass; the foundation; the structure; the shell
  2. ram (stomme; skelett; infattning)
    the carcass; the skeleton; the framework; the frame
  3. ram (konstitution; system; grundlag)
    the constitution; the system; the frame; the fundamental law; the basic rule
  4. ram (stomme)
    the framework
  5. ram
    the frame
    – In synchronous communications, a package of information transmitted as a single unit. Every frame follows the same basic organization and contains control information, such as synchronizing characters, station address, and an error-checking value, as well as a variable amount of data. 1
    • frame [the ~] sustantivo
  6. ram
    the frame; the video frame
    – One of many sequential images that make up video. 1
  7. ram
    the frame
    – In asynchronous serial communications, a unit of transmission that is sometimes measured in elapsed time and begins with the start bit that precedes a character and ends with the last stop bit that follows the character. 1
    • frame [the ~] sustantivo
  8. ram
    the frame
    – A space, shown onscreen as a box, that contains a particular element of your publication. 1
    • frame [the ~] sustantivo

Translation Matrix for ram:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
basic rule grundlag; konstitution; ram; system grund tanken; grundlagen; grundregel; huvudregel; maxim; princip; regel
carcass chassi; infattning; ram; skal; skelett; stomme konstruktion; resning; skelett; stomme
chassis chassi; ram; skal; skelett; stomme chassis; kaross
constitution grundlag; konstitution; ram; system figur; fysik; fysiskt tillstånd; författning; grundlagen; kroppsbyggnad; kroppskonstitution
foundation chassi; ram; skal; skelett; stomme bas; foundation; fundament; grund; grundande; grundfärg; grundläggning; grundning; grundval; pensionsfond; pensionskassa; stiftelse; underlag
frame grundlag; infattning; konstitution; ram; skelett; stomme; system bildruta; flygplanskropp; glasögon båge; inramning; konstruktion; resning; skelett; stomme; tvärbjälke
frame-work chassi; ram; skal; skelett; stomme
framework infattning; ram; skelett; stomme konstruktion; ramverk; resning; skelett; stomme
fundamental law grundlag; konstitution; ram; system grundlagen
shell chassi; ram; skal; skelett; stomme bomb; förpackning; granat; gränssnitt; kapsyl; konstruktion; musselskal; omslag; omslagning; resning; skal; skelett; snäcka; sprängämne; stomme
skeleton infattning; ram; skelett; stomme ben; benknota; benstommen; konstruktion; resning; skelet; skelett; skranglig varelse; stomme
structure chassi; ram; skal; skelett; stomme bygge; byggnad; byråkrati; grunddrag; konstruktion; skiss; struktur; utkast
system grundlag; konstitution; ram; system arbetsmetod; arbetsrutin; listig el. hemlig plan; metod; rutin; schema; system; översikt
video frame ram
VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
frame gestalta; inpassa; inrama; rama in; utforma
shell beskjuta ovanifrån; bomba; bombardera
structure strukturera
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
constitution författning; statsförfattning
foundation anläggning; grundkonstruktion; stiftelse
frame benbyggnad; underrede
framework benbyggnad
skeleton benbyggnad; benrangel; benstomme

Sinónimos de "ram":

  • internminne

Wiktionary: ram

  1. chunk of data
  2. rigid, generally rectangular mounting

Cross Translation:
ram paw PrankeZoologie: Tatze großer Raubtiere
ram frame Rahmenstabilisierendes Gerüst, zum Beispiel eines Fahrzeugs oder Gerätes
ram pure; simple; straightforward; common; unpretentious; clean; untainted; mere; sole; solitary; absolute; stark pur — Qui est sans mélange.



  1. RAM (RAM-minne)
    the RAM; the random access memory
    – The temporary storage area the computer uses to run programs and store data. Information stored in RAM is temporary and is designed to be erased when the computer is turned off. 1

Translation Matrix for RAM:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
RAM RAM; RAM-minne
random access memory RAM; RAM-minne

Wiktionary: RAM

Cross Translation:
RAM RAM RAM — info|fr mémoire vive d’un ordinateur disponible pour l’exécution des programmes et l’emmagasinement de données, qui s’efface dès que l’ordinateur est éteint.

Traducciones automáticas externas:

Traducciones relacionadas de ram


Traducciones detalladas de ram de inglés a sueco


to ram verbo (rams, rammed, ramming)

  1. to ram (drive piles; drive)
    – strike or drive against with a heavy impact 2
    • påla verbo (pålar, pålade, pålat)
  2. to ram (ram down; tamp)
    stampa fast; stampa till
    • stampa fast verbo (stampar fast, stampade fast, stampat fast)
    • stampa till verbo (stampar till, stampade till, stampat till)

Conjugaciones de ram:

  1. ram
  2. ram
  3. rams
  4. ram
  5. ram
  6. ram
simple past
  1. rammed
  2. rammed
  3. rammed
  4. rammed
  5. rammed
  6. rammed
present perfect
  1. have rammed
  2. have rammed
  3. has rammed
  4. have rammed
  5. have rammed
  6. have rammed
past continuous
  1. was ramming
  2. were ramming
  3. was ramming
  4. were ramming
  5. were ramming
  6. were ramming
  1. shall ram
  2. will ram
  3. will ram
  4. shall ram
  5. will ram
  6. will ram
continuous present
  1. am ramming
  2. are ramming
  3. is ramming
  4. are ramming
  5. are ramming
  6. are ramming
  1. be rammed
  2. be rammed
  3. be rammed
  4. be rammed
  5. be rammed
  6. be rammed
  1. ram!
  2. let's ram!
  3. rammed
  4. ramming
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they


  1. ram
  2. ram

ram [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the ram (rammer)
    – a tool for driving or forcing something by impact 2
    hejare; fallvikt
  2. the ram (hand tamp; drop hammer; tup; rammer; beetle-head)
    – a tool for driving or forcing something by impact 2

Translation Matrix for ram:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
fallvikt ram; rammer
hejare ram; rammer bouncer; drop hammers; rammer
murbräcka beetle-head; drop hammer; hand tamp; ram; rammer; tup battering-ram
- tup
VerbTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
påla drive; drive piles; ram supply with poles
stampa fast ram; ram down; tamp
stampa till ram; ram down; tamp
- chock up; cram; crash; drive; force; jam; jampack; pound; ram down; wad
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
gumse ram
vädur ram

Palabras relacionadas con "ram":

  • rams

Sinónimos de "ram":

Definiciones relacionadas de "ram":

  1. uncastrated adult male sheep2
  2. a tool for driving or forcing something by impact2
  3. force into or from an action or state, either physically or metaphorically2
    • She rammed her mind into focus2
  4. crowd or pack to capacity2
  5. undergo damage or destruction on impact2
  6. strike or drive against with a heavy impact2
    • ram the gate with a sledgehammer2

Wiktionary: ram

  1. male sheep

Cross Translation:
ram bock Bock — männliches Tier von Schaf und Ziege oder Rotwild, sowie von Nagetieren wie Meerschweinchen, Ratten, Mäusen, Kaninchen
ram bagge; gumse WidderZoologie: männliches Schaf, Schafbock
ram bagge; gumse; vädur bélier — animal


Translation Matrix for Ram:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- Aries; Aries the Ram

Definiciones relacionadas de "Ram":

  1. the first sign of the zodiac which the sun enters at the vernal equinox; the sun is in this sign from about March 21 to April 192
  2. (astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Aries2


RAM [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the RAM (random access memory)
    – The temporary storage area the computer uses to run programs and store data. Information stored in RAM is temporary and is designed to be erased when the computer is turned off. 1

Translation Matrix for RAM:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
- random access memory; random memory; random-access memory; read/write memory
Not SpecifiedTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
RAM RAM; random access memory
RAM-minne RAM; random access memory

Definiciones relacionadas de "RAM":

  1. the most common computer memory which can be used by programs to perform necessary tasks while the computer is on; an integrated circuit memory chip allows information to be stored or accessed in any order and all storage locations are equally accessible2
  2. The temporary storage area the computer uses to run programs and store data. Information stored in RAM is temporary and is designed to be erased when the computer is turned off.1

Wiktionary: RAM

Cross Translation:
RAM RAM RAM — info|fr mémoire vive d’un ordinateur disponible pour l’exécution des programmes et l’emmagasinement de données, qui s’efface dès que l’ordinateur est éteint.

Traducciones automáticas externas:

Traducciones relacionadas de ram