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  1. region:
  2. Region:
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  1. region:
  2. Wiktionary:


Traducciones detalladas de region de sueco a inglés


region [-en] sustantivo

  1. region (område)
    the province; the region
  2. region (område; trakt; nejd)
    the region; the area; the domain; the territory; the province; the zone; the county; the sphere; the district; the department; the dominion
  3. region (distrikt; område; zon; territorium)
    the district; the area; the zone; the region; the territory
  4. region (kanton; distrikt)
    the canton; the district; the region
  5. region (zon; område)
    the zone; the region
    • zone [the ~] sustantivo
    • region [the ~] sustantivo
  6. region (distrikt; område; grannskap; zon; territorium)
    the area; the district; the territory
  7. region (zon; område; distrikt)
    the area; the domain; the territory; the sphere; the zone; the department; the dominion; the district; the region
  8. region (provins; landskap; län; zon; distrikt)
    the province; the county; the department; the district; the region
  9. region
    the region
  10. region
    the region
    – Contiguous areas of storage on a disk. 1

Translation Matrix for region:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
area distrikt; grannskap; nejd; område; region; territorium; trakt; zon area; kvarter; landsdel; område; revir; stadsdel; territorium; yta
canton distrikt; kanton; region
county distrikt; landskap; län; nejd; område; provins; region; trakt; zon grevskap; landsdel; storkommun
department distrikt; landskap; län; nejd; område; provins; region; trakt; zon avdelning; avdelningskontor; departement; domsrätt; fack; filial; förvaltningsområde; gren; institution; jurisdiktion; landsdel; ministerium; område; sektion
district distrikt; grannskap; kanton; landskap; län; nejd; område; provins; region; territorium; trakt; zon distrikt; kvarter; landsdel; område; stadsdel
domain distrikt; nejd; område; region; trakt; zon TLD; besittning; domän; huvudsaken; område; rike; toppnivådomän; välde
dominion distrikt; nejd; område; region; trakt; zon besittning; herravälde; makt; myndighet; område; rike; välde; övervälde
province distrikt; landskap; län; nejd; område; provins; region; trakt; zon domsrätt; jurisdiktion; landsdel; provins; ärkestift
region distrikt; kanton; landskap; län; nejd; område; provins; region; territorium; trakt; zon cacheområde; distrikt; landsdel; område
sphere distrikt; nejd; område; region; trakt; zon boll; glob; klot; mänskligt huvud; nystan; sfär
territory distrikt; grannskap; nejd; område; region; territorium; trakt; zon area; besittning; hemvist; naturlig miljö; område; revir; rike; territorium; välde; växtställe
zone distrikt; nejd; område; region; territorium; trakt; zon zon
OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
area areal; räjong; ytinnehåll; ytvidd
department rotel
district bygd; räjong
domain domän; gebit
dominion herradöme
province gebit; guvernement
territory landområde

Sinónimos de "region":

Wiktionary: region

  1. any considerable and connected part of a space or surface
  2. an administrative subdivision

Cross Translation:
region area Gegend — ein Teil des Körpers, etwa die Umgebung oder den Bereich eines Organs oder eines Körperteils, (Schmerzen in der Magengegend)
region area Gegend — entgegen der unter [1] genannten Erklärung, ein relativ bekanntes Gebiet, das oft in der Nachbarschaft oder auch nur in der Nähe liegt
region region; area Regionallgemein: ein Bereich beziehungsweise ein Gebiet, das (geografisch, politisch oder in Bezug auf die Verwaltung) eine Einheit bildet und mehrere Städte und Gemeinden umfasst, aber auch über Landesgrenzen hinweggehen kann



  1. Region
    the State/Province
    – A UI element where the state or province of the location of a record, such as an account or contact, is indicated. 1

Translation Matrix for Region:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
State/Province Region



  1. öregion

Translation Matrix for öregion:

OtherTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
island region öregion

Traducciones automáticas externas:


Traducciones detalladas de region de inglés a sueco


region [the ~] sustantivo

  1. the region (province)
    område; region
  2. the region (area; place; district; )
  3. the region (area; domain; territory; )
    område; region; trakt; nejd
  4. the region (province; county; department; district)
    provins; landskap; län; region; zon; distrikt
  5. the region (zone; area; domain; )
    område; region; zon; distrikt
  6. the region (district; place)
  7. the region (district; area; zone; territory)
    område; zon; distrikt; region; territorium
  8. the region (canton; district)
    kanton; region; distrikt
  9. the region (zone)
    område; region; zon
  10. the region
  11. the region
    – Contiguous areas of storage on a disk. 1
  12. the region (cache region)
    – A container of data, within a cache, that co-locates all cached objects on a single cache host. Cache Regions enable the ability to search all cached objects in the region by using descriptive strings, called tags. 1

Translation Matrix for region:

NounTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
distrikt area; canton; county; department; district; domain; dominion; place; province; region; sphere; territory; zone area; district; districts; precincts; territory
kanton canton; district; region
landsdel area; county; department; district; part of the country; place; province; region
landskap county; department; district; province; region landscape; scenery
län county; department; district; province; region covers; roofs; sheds; shelters
nejd area; county; department; district; domain; dominion; province; region; sphere; territory; zone
område area; cache region; county; department; district; domain; dominion; province; region; sphere; territory; zone area; department; district; domain; dominion; quarter; range; reach; scope; soil; terrain; territory; ward; yard
provins county; department; district; province; region province
region area; canton; county; department; district; domain; dominion; province; region; sphere; territory; zone area; district; territory
territorium area; district; region; territory; zone area; district; territory
trakt area; county; department; district; domain; dominion; province; region; sphere; territory; zone
zon area; county; department; district; domain; dominion; province; region; sphere; territory; zone area; district; territory; zone
- area; neighborhood; neighbourhood; part; realm
Not SpecifiedTraducciones relacionadasOther Translations
cacheområde cache region; region

Palabras relacionadas con "region":

  • regions

Sinónimos de "region":

Definiciones relacionadas de "region":

  1. a part of an animal that has a special function or is supplied by a given artery or nerve2
    • in the abdominal region2
  2. a knowledge domain that you are interested in or are communicating about2
    • here we enter the region of opinion2
  3. the extended spatial location of something2
    • the farming regions of France2
    • regions of outer space2
  4. a large indefinite location on the surface of the Earth2
    • penguins inhabit the polar regions2
  5. the approximate amount of something (usually used prepositionally as in `in the region of')2
    • it was going to take in the region of two or three months to finish the job2
  6. In video programming, a contiguous group of pixels that are treated as a unit. On the Apple Macintosh, for example, a region is an area in a grafPort that can be defined and manipulated as an entity. The visible working area within a window is an example of a region.1
  7. Contiguous areas of storage on a disk.1
  8. A collection of 128 leaf level pages in logical order in a single file. Used to identify areas of a file that are fragmented.1
  9. A container of data, within a cache, that co-locates all cached objects on a single cache host. Cache Regions enable the ability to search all cached objects in the region by using descriptive strings, called tags.1

Wiktionary: region

  1. any considerable and connected part of a space or surface
  2. an administrative subdivision

Cross Translation:
region område Gebieträumlicher Bereich mit einer bestimmten Ausdehnung, Fläche
region område Gegendumgangssprachlich: eine, meist relativ eng gefasste, Landschaft oder eine Region verstanden. Die Gegend bezeichnet einen, meist nicht genau einzugrenzenden Teil der Erdoberfläche, vor allem auch dann, wenn sich für das betreffende Gebiet kein Eigenname, kein einheitlicher Name oder kein Name
region region Regionallgemein: ein Bereich beziehungsweise ein Gebiet, das (geografisch, politisch oder in Bezug auf die Verwaltung) eine Einheit bildet und mehrere Städte und Gemeinden umfasst, aber auch über Landesgrenzen hinweggehen kann
region gebit; område; trakt; ängd région — toponymie‎|fr Vaste territoire ; étendue de pays.

Traducciones automáticas externas:

Traducciones relacionadas de region